Lauren Irwin-Szostak’s Blog
Sharing thoughts and beliefs that drive her at both work and home every day.
The Impact of Technology on Social Interactions
Advances in technology over the past several decades have changed [...]
Otto Warmbier: Our Leader’s Unrequited Response
Occupying a position of leadership carries great responsibility. Responsibility [...]
Effectively Dealing with Bullying Throughout Adulthood
Studies have shown the harmful effects of bullying. As a [...]
The Shift in the Upbringing of Children in the Past Fifty Years
Within the past decade alone, the upbringing of children has [...]
Core Values: Do You Talk It or Live It?
When it comes to service, there are always people willing [...]

Recent Posts
The Shift in the Upbringing of Children in the Past Fifty Years
Within the past decade alone, the upbringing of children has completely shifted. As society changes, [...]
Core Values: Do You Talk It or Live It?
When it comes to service, there are always people willing to offer their support for [...]